
With a bold use of materials, fragrance, and negative space, Lamar relies on the ephemeral nature of florals that consistently impact their surrounding.  The viewer faces an invitation to interact with the work, made even stronger by the sensation arising from the scent.

With the new works, Lamar exhibits the gilded jailbed installation, completed Christmas 2017, as a bow to the enormous number of people forced to be absent from their communities and families during the holidays, due to the practice of mass incarceration and the school-to-prison pipeline.  The installation was created in the span of 3 weeks, in collaboration with the Justice LA's "jailbeddrop" initiative that dropped jailbed installations in various LA County cities on Christmas day, to protest LA County's plans to build two new jails.


Lamar states, "the process relied heavily on subtraction, and purposeful deprivation, to alter the naturally occurring form of the true lilies.  More importantly the effects of the expropriation of these essential elements are in full view.  I wanted people to witness it from a different perspective, say sitting or laying down in a lower bunk of a jailbed"