In the series Envisions, I explore the complex emotional landscape that emerges when we encounter spaces devoid of their regular visitors and inhabitants, whether through force, circumstance, or choice. This series reflects upon the moments and seasons in life when we yearn for solitude, only to find that the absence of others creates a bittersweet experience that oscillates between tranquility and disquiet.

Envisions is a visual meditation on the intimate relationship between the self and the spaces we occupy. By capturing the essence of emptiness in various settings, I encourage the viewer to contemplate the nuanced emotions that arise in moments of solitude, and to ponder the delicate balance between isolation and connection.

Drawing inspiration from the negative space between architecture, history, and the absence of inhabitants, Envisions reveals the narratives that linger beneath the surface of empty spaces, shaped by climate migration, war, or erasure. In this series, I strive to evoke a sense of melancholic beauty, illuminating the resilience and adaptability of human beings in the face of ever-changing circumstances.

In the quietude of these spaces, devoid of living souls, the atmosphere becomes thick with the presence of our ancestors. Their essence seems to emanate from the very stones and the air, making it almost tangible. The profound absence allows for a deeper connection, transcending mere grief to touch upon a bond with those who came before us. Even though they lived in bygone eras, they're inextricably linked to these structures. After all, it was their hands that crafted these edifices, and in some ethereal way, they continue to inhabit and embody them.

The creative process behind Envisions is deeply rooted in my own fascination with the intricate dance between presence and absence, permanence and transience. By harnessing the evocative power of light, shadow, I hope to stimulate contemplation of the complex interplay between physical structures and the ephemeral nature of human existence.

In a away, Envisions is an invitation to reflect on the impact of our actions and choices, as well as the interconnectedness of our global community. Through this exploration of the void, I hope to inspire a greater appreciation for the spaces we inhabit, the histories they hold, and the people who have shaped them, while also encouraging a deeper understanding of the forces that continue to transform our world.

Envisions ultimately serves as a documentation of culturally rich and prominent architecture that yearns for the souls now absent. As the stone and brick seemingly scream in their solitude, this series captures the poignant essence of these spaces, reminding us of the invaluable connections between people, history, and the places they inhabit. Through this exploration, Envisions fosters a renewed appreciation for the fleeting beauty of life and the intricate relationships that shape our shared existence.